Well Wootie Bear, your prayers have been answered.
This weekend, Mona and her pups are going to their new foster home for the remaining three weeks of puppyhood. Their new foster home is big, and has a yard, and three kids to play with and socialize the pups. It’s a so much better situation for them. I’m happy-sad. For all the stress that’s been inflicted on my household, these little piggies will be much missed.
I meant these little piggies:
I weighed the pups tonight when I dewormed them. Cindy is the most wee at just about 5 lbs and Oliver is the largest at almost 7 lbs. Bobby looks bigger than Oliver but he is fluffier and weighs a little bit less. They sure are fat and sassy little guys!
Remember when they looked like this?
Rest assured, there will be more puppy photos. I will be making the trek out to Delta every weekend to take photos and check on my little monsters as they grow.
My floofy woofy Bobby boy
Itsy Bitsy Feisty Cindy
Big Ham Oliver
Mr. Merley Mike
Even Miss Mona, Perpetually Hungry Single Mum
And as you can tell by Tweed’s body language, he’s just so, like, depressed that his favourite buddy Mona is leaving. Not.
I haven’t broken it to him that his humpables are going with her.
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