Pop and Puzzle are two 9 week old Australian Cattle Dog puppies in foster care for Blue Dog Rescue. They have recently been diagnosed with Parvo :(
The two foster puppies I took in have developed a life threatening desease, Parvo. They were rescued out of Tennesse and made the long journey up to CT and then on to our house in VT. Puzzle and Pop are in Intensive Care at Greylock Animal hospital under the care of Michelle Gorbutt-Pascerilli.
As you can imagine, their vet bills are climbing and we’re doing everything we can to save them. It’s looking promising as both were ‘spotted’ wagging their tales as a “thank you” to the staff this afternoon, a vast improvement over their previous state this morning. We need your help though… please… please, PLEASE help us save them.
Please consider donating either through PayPal to agilebug@gmail.com or directly to the hospital which can be reached at 413-663-5365 and ask to donate for Puzzle and Pop under Blue Dog Rescue.
Foster home Katie Trachte sends out this plea:
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