Today it rained Dumbballs at Derby Reach.
At first Cassie was shocked. SHOCKED I tell you.
But she soon got over it.
Poor Dexter. He’s too young to know that Dumbballs are bad for you.
I had a Dumbball, but I eated it.
That’s Joe. He’s one of the dudes who designed the new wootube. And won’t stop messing with it.
I am so pleased with all his obsessive tinkering. So pleased, I took the following photo. Joe said “YOU CAN’T POST THAT!”
So I did. Tee hee. Bandit’s tinkling.
So Joe retaliated by posting this:
Don’t be j of my secksy farm boots. I’m just trying to fit in out here in the sticks.
Derby Reach was pretty good – the off leash area is quite large, and as an added bonus, it’s right on the Fraser River, which means swimming.
Cassie nearly shit her mind at her good fortune.
Dexter, on the other hand, did not.
When I finish goose-stepping through this devil-surface, you’re in for a world of hurt.
(He’s still not recovered from the Dogwood Park !Splashdown! earlier this week)
We spent nearly 3 hours at Derby Reach, and when we got home, the dogs were SO tired they basically didn’t even move for the remainder of the day.
And this was a good thing, as it left my afternoon free to complete the gifts I put together for all of you who donated to Wootube :)
If you donated by Paypal with a verified mailing address, you should be receiving your hand made, one of a kind gift in the mail sometime next week (except for maybe some of you overseas – that may take a bit longer. You know we’re in Canada, eh – it takes a long time to sort mail in igloos, and the sled dog teams have difficulty getting to places like Singapore in a timely manner). If you did not include a mailing address with your donation, please let me know your mailing address so I can send you one too! And, you know, porn. Kidding, kidding.
Carol says
I lurv all the dogs’ mouths in various states of open, closed, full, tongue in, tongue out, etc in today’s post. Way cool theme!
I have a comment about the donation box. Instead of”Feed the Woofs,” *I* think it should say “Feed the Food Lady.” After all, it takes the Food Lady to have a 3WAAW, now doesn’t it?
Can’t wait for my surprise! I hope I don’t need to sign for it. I don’t want any extra delay! Every time I order from my favorite thread store (in Richmond), I have to go to the freakin’ post office ’cause Canadian post requires a signature. Although in this case, my husband will have to sign for it because I used *his* Paypal account!
Karen says
Wasn’t it a lovely day, and lovely shots to go along with it.
I envy you your ability to throw a ball and get a great shot at the same time:)
Always interested to see what Dexter’s ears are doing on any given day:)
Love the boots, hey, they are one step up from the black ones, which I seem to live in 90% of the time at our place.
We had a fun time yesterday at the next regional park up the river, check my blog.
jackie says
Great shots. Joe’s a cool dude eh?
Is Bandit’s pawser okay?
Arwen Lune says
love the ballcatching photos
I envy your pup’s awesome ears. He looks like he’s constantly half listening to Radio Dexter transmissions only he can hear :-)
Lynne says
So I’m curious about the pic you were taking when Joe (we love Joe! Thank you Joe for the new Wootube!) took a picture of you. I kinda like that leaping dog. Was it a Fail shot?
Also I love the goose-stepping shot and caption :)
Kerry says
Dumb question: Why do you call them dumbballs?
Robin says
The evils of fetch = dumbball: Starts around post #33 I think.
Dyan says
We play dumbball too. The pup insists! What can I say?
ty says
Thank you Joe
I love the new Woo.
And Lynn
I’d like to see the picture too.
Kerry says
Thanks Robin. Wow! Who knew fetch could be so controversial. My beagladore (beagle/lab mix/mutt), doesn’t really like to fetch much. However, stealing something from another dog and then having said dog chase him round and round is his idea of fun.
Mindy says
I just LOVE LOVE LOVE your new look! I like it more and more every time I click on here. (And I do that often…)
I can’t wait to try swimming with my Standard Poodle. So far he isn’t too thrilled with water… waaaahhhhaaattt? He tipy toes around all the mud puddles we walk by…. (Isn’t Poodle somehow related to “Puddle” in German???) Anyhoo! I can’t wait for summer and LAKE SWIMMING!
Joe says
Lynne, ty, it was probably this pic or one very similar to it. So yeah, kinda fail :b
The Food Lady says
What Joe said!! I do believe that was the exact photo :)
Philip's Mom says
So I went to check if my PayPal even had a verified address (which apparently it does, but it’s wrong – how does that happen?), and I realized that I made a donation to TDBCR, forgetting to note it was for you. Oopsie, guess the rescue doggies benefit from wootube too :)
Love all the ball catching shots, I’ve been trying to get some like that of Philip and he is just too darn fast for me. Maybe I need a wider angle lens, hmmm
angie says
i got mine! :D i <3 mail. and i <3 3waaw and the new wootube!