This is Tweed’s first place Masters Gamblers run. He also went first place in Masters Standard. I pulled him from Jumpers, not because he wasn’t having a good time, but rather because I was tired of being at the trial and wanted to come home to play in the snow with my dogs! So Tweed went 2 for 2 this weekend. He’s such a GOOD dog!
*This* doggie makes me MAD. Dexter went 1 or possibly 2 for 6 this weekend. Friday night Steeplechases were okay, except for a couple of weave collection issues and some minor quirks. For sure he Q’d one, and the other is up in the air, as my video says he was under time but the score sheet suggests otherwise. All the same, Friday gave me hope.
Saturday gave me frustration. My wild child had no listening ears for the boring old Food Lady, who just tried to make him do stuff like collect, turn, pay attention etc. He and I were not running on the same wavelength at ALL.
This is his Advanced Jumpers run. It started out so beautifully, with so much promise. Somewhere around the tire, it went to hell. I expected him to miss the tire because I didn’t decelerate much and didn’t give him a verbal cue, as I wanted to see if he could adjust his stride to take it – nope. Okay fine, something we need to work on. But coming out of that chute, he’s supposed to turn to me when I stop moving and square up to him (and SCREAM his name) but he just keeps going. At that point, I excused us as when he gets that worked up and stops listening, I don’t believe he should be rewarded with more playing on his terms!
In his Starters Standard run, he fell off the dogwalk because he was running too fast, blew his A-Frame contact altogether and left his teeter contact before I released him. And to add insult to injury, he turned around, grabbed the teeter with his front paws, pulled it back down and popped his back feet on it and assumed a perfect, and *extremely* sassy 2on 2off position, just to let me know that he was quite aware of what I was all huffy about.
If nothing else, the dog has character :)
Here are his two Steeplechase runs from Friday night, courtesy of Kristi. He has some moments of brilliance, you just gotta find them in all the CRAP!
I hope he had fun, as it’s probably the last trial he’ll be doing for a while :( Tuesday is coming.
Julie says
Damn that boy is fast!!! I so wish you had his standards run on video — your description of his teeter performance made me laugh out loud. And what a lovely and very impressive gamblers run.
BRaTPack says
Was Dexter’s Starters Standard run filmed? I want to see his contacts on the teeter!
Carol says
Aw, Tweed, you’re such a good boy!
Dexter is whacko!
Adrienne says
Definitely some moments of brilliance for the baby dog! I too would have love to have seen that teeter on video. What a hoot.
Tweed is such a GOOD boy. :-)
Jenn says
Can’t wait to see Spring on course!
Met another BorderJack yesterday, built just like Spring. So cute!
Annie says
Wow Dexter can get air!
Robin says
Give Dex a good luck hug from his admirers when you take him to get “tutored” on Tuesday.
Yay for Tweed! He is a wonderful boy.
Candace Battles says
Wow! Congratulations on the gambler win! Tweed has lovely distance skills!
Love the moments of brilliance with Dexter…it will all come together! I have a wild child too…so I can relate all too well… There is light at the end of the tunnel! :-)
Janice in GA says
The Tweed Fan Club cheers for Tweed’s success!
Silly Dexter. At least he’s having fun.
Jenn says
I wonder if he’ll get better at wanting to take the weaves after the surgery?
Wherever those crypts are hiding, they may still be tied to a bunch of sensitive nerve bundles. Removing them may remove some pain for the boyo.
Alicia says
Good luck on Tuesday with Dexter’s surgery. I work as a Veterinary Technician so I know how “fun” it is to play hide and seek with missing testicles. You’ll have the same dilemma with pain medication that I did. You want to give them so they don’t have pain, but, he is so crazy wild that you prefer he has pain so he gives the incision the chance to heal that it needs and doesn’t have to be resedated to fix a messed up incision. But it will be good to have it over with as the surgery doesn’t get any easier as they age.
Carolynn says
WOW! He is fast! From what I saw there is more than a little brilliance going on there. He is a firecracker.