… here are some cute pictures of kittens!
Last week we moved the entire contents of our old shelter, the falling down, 50 year old cluster of buildings where we worked, to a brand spanking built-for-us new shelter. Very exciting. But you know how moving sucks SO MUCH? Now, imagine moving 100 odd animals and allll their stuff. Yep.
The new shelter has a great big cavernous North facing atrium with floor to ceiling windows. It looks pretty. It has nothing in it, but seems to me like a good place to play ball with dogs on a rainy day (that noise you hear is my boss’ heart rate going through the roof and blasts of air huffing out of her nose, incidentally).
The atrium is also good for taking photos. That’s the arty part of me talking, because *every* artist likes North facing light. If the atrium were only located in a garret of some kind, I could swish moodily around in wearing long skirts and painting my feelings on canvases before taking my own life BECAUSE NOBODY UNDERSTANDS ME, CRUEL WORLD!
Its not though, so instead I use it to take pictures of cute little kittehs.
And what the heck, cute little dogs too (these two 2 year old Havanese are looking for a home together, by the way, if you know anyone smitten with hairy moppy dogs)
Last week I ALSO had the mother of all colds / flu / plague that kicked my ass six different ways. And I couldn’t take a single day off to fight back, because of the move. I ended up working 8 days in a blessed row, which may explain why I still sound like I am being impersonated by frog that smokes cigarettes. One of the days was actually a Nicole Wilde seminar – the other supervisor and I each attended one day of the seminar, and I got the “Working With Fearful Dogs” day because, well, that’s what I do.
It was gratifying, but kind of disappointing, to spend 8 hours at a seminar where I didn’t learn anything I didn’t already know and/or practice. It makes me happy to know that I’m on the right track, but since I was DYING from the cold/flu/plague at the time, maybe I imagined the whole thing.
You know what REALLY bothers me at these seminars? The “MY DOG” audience members – you know who they are … the folks who think themselves (and their dogs) so interesting that they have to constantly interject with anecdotes thinly disguised as legitimate questions and end up speaking almost as much as the lecturer. I loathe these people – one day I am going work up the nerve to turn around and tell one of them (blonde girl sitting behind me) that if they are so flippin’ interesting, they should put on their own seminar. I love Brenda Aloff because she has a “No My Dogs” rule and if you raise your hand and start talking about your dog, she tells you to shut up.
Anyway, that’s why I didn’t get a chance to blog last week, and why I have nothing really interesting to blog about this week either. THIS week, something broke into my chicken coop and killed nearly half my flock, including 70% of the Black Copper Marans I raised from day olds (leaving me with NOTHING BUT F*CKING ROOSTERS, tyvm), my bantam rooster, my Crested Polish with the torn ACL, my favourite Wheaten Marans hen, and my two best brooder hens, including the one confined to a smaller pen with all her peeps (it killed all but one of the peeps too <sad face>). Since the culprit only bit their throats open, I assume we are dealing with a mink or a marten. I have a live trap set for the f*cker for when it comes back, but it won’t be alive for long once I trap it *shakes fist at mystery serial killing animal*
As today is my only day off this week (I do get a week’s vacation next week though!) I had a lot of errands to run, but I did manage to get out with the dogs and the camera to photograph Wootie falling down.
Wootie falls down more than any dog I know. One day I am going to get my hands on a super sweet, fast telephoto and I am going to make Wootie fall down again and again until I have the best photos EVER of him doing it.
We played some Wootie Toy™ and some Flying Squirrel, which Piper says Kieren cannot haz.
Kieren. Still here. It must be because my photos of him are ugly. Or at least, that’s what a woman in the parking lot at Regionals pretty much said to me.
Piper, on the other hand, is here AGAIN. By which I mean her knee is pretty well 100% and she is back to her running, spinning, snarling self. It’s nice to have her back at full charge :)
My Monster got adopted too. Happysad.
Next week, whilst I am on Staycation, the weather is supposed to be brilliant! So I hope to take the dogs to cool places and get lots of blog fodder for you. The problem is, they don’t all fit in my truck. So if you want to come to cool places with us, and let me bung a couple of my beasts in your car, hit me up! I promise not to put the WooTWoo in your vehicle and speed away never to be seen again. My license plate? Oh, it, uh, it fell off. I’ll just go look for it. Just stay here, I SWEAR I will be right back …