Hurry up Food Lady. You’re too slow.
Why did you deny me this pleasure for so very long?
That, my friends, is one HAPPY Tweed dog. He started out on 3 legs, starting using his “bad” foot a few minutes into the walk, but was limping quite a lot by the time we got home. He gets 2-3 15 minute walks starting today and can gradually increase the time and distance over the next week. He’s still crated in between, but by golly, now he has something to look forward to.
The ordeal is almost over!
Mandy says
That’s great news, go Tweed. Just made my morning a little brighter :)
jackie says
Hooray!! Wooppieeeee! Huzzzah!!!
Carla says
I really love how you capture the expressions of your dogs! Good news for Tweed to be able to finally get out and enjoy some air! :-)
Belle says
It’s good to hear (AND see) Tweed getting up and around! Yay for Tweed!
Taryn says
Oh, happy day! Wishing you continued healing and improvement!
Laurel says
Yeah Tweed!
Hey FL…SAINTS is on CBC radio in Winnipeg right now. Cool!
nickelsmum says
I love “insolent bastard.” OTOH, it’s amazing that even in the photo of Dex sproinging around, he is looking at the camera. He really was meant to be yours.
Jennifer says
Bloomin’ heck! Do my eyes deceive me? Are those two symmetrical
“lugs ” (ears), I see before me, Dexter?!
Oh Food Lady, that last snap and caption are brilliant. Wishing Tweed a speedy recovery.
As usual, your blog is the perfect tonic after a crap day at work………!
Carol says
Tweed, you are absolutely cute in all the photos these last few posts with your little lower front teeth showing. Just like my Gizmo does! Just kills me. Is that your whaazup? look? Good luck with the rest of your rehab, bubby!
susan says
How, oh, how, do you get those expressions? Honestly, my day isn’t complete without your blog.
Vicky says
Yee Haw Tweed!!!!
riosmom says
“Insolent bastard” indeed – just wait until Tweed has four good legs. But it is good to see him out and looking happy – when he isn’t being taunted by his pesky brother. You go, Tweed!
amy says
Yeah Tweed! Am sure he loved his jaunt. Great pics and post as always.
Adrienne says
You tell ‘im Tweed! All sproingy and annoying.
*Love* that blissful dog-outdoors expression on his face.
Happy Day!
RachelB says
Congratulations, Tweed! Now take it easy– no overdoing it.
Leandra says
LMAO. The last 2 lines are pure gold and the expressions are priceless.
Fiona says
@nickelsmum – Dexter was looking straight at the camera at, what, 4, 5 weeks old? It was destined. Even if I loved him first.
Amanda says
Hang in there Food Lady. I once brought a horse back from a fractured pelvis with 5 x 15 minute sessions a day. It was hard work, and really broke into my sleep and social life, but it doesn’t last forever, and it is worth it in the end when your animal is sound.