He’s HUGE!
Today we replaced the Wootie Toy, since the Food Lady sucks at throwing the Flying (*looks both ways for Woo, lowers voice*) Squirrel. And yet, improving the toy did not improve the shots.
Some days we get Big Air.
Some days … not so much
But we did get a nice surprise at the beach today. We ran into our … cousin(?), Jonze.
Actually, I’m not sure exactly how Jonze is related to us, but he belongs to Jasmine, who is the sister of the man that my sister has the hots for / lives with / etc.
Anyway. We *Heart* Jonze. And Jonze *Hearts*us. And you too. You can tell, because he carries his heart on his sleeve. Or his bum, rather. See?
Jasmine is a very talented photographer. You should go look at her photos when you have a minute. You will love them.
And you know what else I love?
This puppy.
I love him for reasons galore; his fuzzywuzzyness, his snuzzleability, his cross-eyes, and his Eastie-Westie feetsies and his super duper puppy full body hugs.
I’m going to miss him. If you never see another post on this blog again, it’s because I pulled a runner with Kuro in the night and I’m on the lam!!
But alas, it’s not to be. I don’t have time to pull a runner because Tweed is getting x-rayed at the vet clinic tomorrow. Seems that I broke the front half of him right after I fixed the back half, and his shoulder isn’t working right. My Nicaraguan photo trip money just got funneled straight into my vets’ pockets. I don’t know *how* they do it. They are fiscal sleight-of-hand masters.
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